Posters & Studies
In 2006, the Foundation sponsored and hosted Grand Rounds at Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital, in Chicago, Illinois, a teaching program
for the hospital medical staff and students. We flew in a guest speaker for the event, Harold Brem, M.D., FACS, the Chief of the Division
of Wound Healing & Regenerative Medicine, Department of Surgery at New York University School of Medicine, to give a lecture about
necrotizing fasciitis and infections. The events that day included Dr. Brem’s lecture as well as case presentations, discussion and
mock oral examinations given by doctors and interns at the hospital.
The Foundation also presented to the Hospital a large multi-color poster detailing symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis and containing
photographs depicting various stages of the disease to aid in early and prompt diagnosis and treatment. This poster is mounted and
displayed in a corridor of the Hospital exclusively used by medical personnel and hospital staff for training and teaching purposes.
In September 2008, the Foundation sponsored and hosted Grand Rounds at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri.
We again flew in Dr. Brem to give a lecture about necrotizing fasciitis and infections. Then, in November 2008, the Foundation sponsored
and hosted Grand Rounds at New York University School of Medicine in New York, New York, and flew in John P. Kirby, MD, from
Washington University, the Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of General Surgery, Section of Acute and Critical Care Surgery,
Director of Wound Healing Program, to give a lecture about necrotizing fasciitis and infections. These programs were great successes.

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